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A veces, la educación pública tradicional no funciona para su hijo. En Success Virtual Learning Centers of Michigan, sabemos que no tiene por qué ser una barrera para el éxito de los estudiantes que ingresan al noveno grado o superior (de 14 a 21 años).


Su hijo va a lugares.
Ayúdalos a encontrar su camino.

Para algunos estudiantes, sentarse en un salón de clases todo el día simplemente no funciona. Estamos aquí para ayudar a su hijo a encontrar lo que funciona.

La educación virtual en Success Virtual Learning Centers of Michigan es una alternativa práctica y eficaz al entorno tradicional de las escuelas públicas. Aceptamos que cada estudiante es un individuo con su propio pasado, intereses, obstáculos y aspiraciones. Es por eso que nuestro enfoque crea un plan de aprendizaje personalizado para cada niño que se adapta a sus metas, horarios y necesidades académicas específicas.

Su hijo puede tener un trabajo de medio tiempo, problemas médicos o de comportamiento, pasatiempos que consumen mucho tiempo u otras responsabilidades que entran en conflicto con un entorno de aprendizaje tradicional. Una educación en Success Virtual Learning Centers of Michigan significa que su hijo puede crear un equilibrio entre la escuela y las responsabilidades de la vida real.

Nuestros maestros son profesionales compasivos y altamente calificados comprometidos con el éxito de cada estudiante. Tienen grandes expectativas y la comprensión de que la vida se complica. No queremos nada más que ver a nuestros estudiantes tener éxito y alcanzar su máximo potencial, y eso significa mantenerlos motivados, priorizar su bienestar y ofrecer un sólido sistema de apoyo.

El aprendizaje tampoco se limita al plan de estudios estándar. Hemos cultivado asociaciones con empresas locales para que nuestros estudiantes puedan participar en pasantías y tutorías para adquirir habilidades que los ayudarán más allá del aula.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
National Eating Disorders Association
National Domestic Violence Hotline
National Runaway Safeline
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
The Trevor Project
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services

Educación especial

Independientemente de las necesidades de su hijo, ofrecemos tanto maestros de educación especial como trabajadores sociales que ofrecen apoyo adicional a lo largo del camino hacia el éxito de su hijo.

Calming & Self Care


Anxiety and Resilience

Practicing resiliency and managing anxiety is important for mental wellness. The resources below are good for students of all ages.

Anxiety graphic.png

LGBTQ+ Resources & Toolkits

Creating Safe Space for GLBTQ Youth: A Toolkit

Some Considerations When Working with LGBT Students of Color

LGBTQ+ Bullying: Making Schools Safe for LGBTQ+ Community

I Think I Might Be.. Resources by Advocates for Youth

These resources are written by LGBTQ young people, and provide answers for young people thinking about their sexual orientation and young people who find that the gender they were assigned at birth does not fit them.

Creating Safer Spaces for LGBTQ Youth Toolkit: Advocates for Youth

The Genderbread Person - Printable

Organizations to Support LGBTQ Youth

  • Salus Center Founded in 2017, Salus Center serves Lansing’s LGBTQIA+ communities as a gathering space and information hub.

  • CenterLink Founded with the mission to build sustainable LGBTQ community centers, this organization now has over 200 locations in 46 states and five countries. Aside from strengthening local LGBTQ communities, the organization also provides networking, technical assistance and training, and capacity-building services.

  • GLAAD With a national focus on leading conversations about equality for the LGBTQ community and informing the media narrative, this organization works with news and entertainment media of all formats and communications and digital strategy outlets to ensure the public is provided with powerful stories about the LGBTQ community that advocates for greater equality.

  • Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network GLSEN’s mission is simple: to ensure every member of school communities feel respected, regardless of their sexual orientation. This is accomplished through educating teachers, students, and the public about the common pressures faced by LGBTQ students and working to remove barriers to success.

  • Get Equal GE focuses on equipping the LGBTQ community and their allies to fight against inequalities and to push for progressive change. Whether organizing direct action efforts, hosting local community meetings, training members in tactics of direct action, or providing professional consulting, the organization is committed to continuously fighting for equality.

  • Human Rights Campaign HRC is the largest organization fighting for the civil rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans. The organization currently has over 1.5 million members, all focused on making true equality for all possible. The organization has a number of research publications outlining equality indexes in areas such as healthcare, employers, states, and corporations.

  • Matthew Shepard Foundation By erasing hate and building compassionate and accepting communities, the Matthew Shepard Foundation hopes to empower LGBTQ individuals to challenge and address discriminatory behavior in their schools, neighborhoods, and homes.

  • National Center for Transgender Equality Identifying as America’s premier social justice advocacy organization for transgender individuals, NCTE works at the federal, state, and local levels to leverage political capital and change laws encouraging discriminatory behavior. The organization has a particularly helpful “Know Your Rights” section of their website with information on housing, healthcare, employment, and more.

  • National Gay & Lesbian Task Force Since 1973, NGLTF has focused on building the political capital of the LGBTQ community through activist training, advancing pro-LGBT legislation, and raising the profile of LGBTQ interests and causes. The organization is also an excellent resource for learning about the beliefs and platforms of those running for public office in regards to LGBTQ interests.

  • PFLAG Through support, education, and advocacy efforts, PFLAG seeks to unite the LGBTQ community with friends, families, and allies. By doing so, the organization hopes to further equality efforts and lessen discriminatory practices. Currently, there are more than 350 chapters and over 200,000 members.

  • TransYouth Family Allies TYFA is focused on supporting children and families to create support systems offering encouragement and acceptance regardless of sexual orientation. Main areas of work include educating the public about discrimination, working to eliminate oppression and violence, and forming alliances to ensure support services are in place for LGBTQ individuals. The organization has a number of outreach initiatives and resources to accomplish this mission.

  • The Attic Youth Center This Philadelphia-based organization is an excellent example of how LGBTQ youth centers can empower and inspire local teens that identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning. Some of the services offered include life skills, mental health counseling, supportive programs, community engagement, and social activities. AYC also provides a number of resources at both the local and national levels.

  • Genders & Sexualities Alliance GSAs are student-run clubs operating in both high school and middle schools that provide support, socialization, and activism activities for LGBTQ youth. The overarching goal is to fight against homophobia and transphobia; providing leadership and activist training for group members and encouraging them to advocate for nondiscriminatory policies and greater equality accomplishes this.

  • International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Youth and Student Organization IGLYO is an internationally focused advocacy and activism organization focused on representing the interests of LGBTQ youth. To accomplish this mission, the organization hosts conferences provides educational materials, and offers the general public many opportunities to get involved.

  • It Gets Better Project The mission of the IGB Project is to give LGBT youth across the world hope that things do get better. In response to raised incidents of students committing suicide after being bullied in school, syndicated columnist Dan Savage created the organization to provide both inspiration and resources, including pledges and educational videos.

  • The Trevor Project With suicide rates noticeably higher among LGBTQ youth than their straight peers, the mission of The Trevor Project is incredibly important. By providing a 24/7-crisis intervention service, online community, and educational programs, the organization seeks to be both life-saving and life-affirming.

Safety Online



These resources are applicable to specific Success Virtual Learning Centers locations. Click on the location below (where available) for more information. Additional information will be added soon.

Grand Rapids
Hazel Park
Port Huron

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